I thought a lot of changes took place in the 5-6 month time span, but 6-7 has been crazy! A month ago we had a toothless baby that couldn't really move around and now we have a crawling baby with a tooth! How does that happen?? His first tooth popped through on October 23rd and he started crawling on November 8th. I guess I should take as many opportunities to snuggle with him as I can because I have a feeling it won't last too much longer! He has always been a busy baby, but now it has really gotten crazy.
Halloween this year was sooo much fun! Ryan was a little lion and his cousin Jackson was a monkey. They were the cutest lion and monkey I have ever seen! We really didn't trick or treat, just kind of walked around the block with them, but it was still a lot of fun. Ryan was adorable and carried his little pumpkin basket all the way around the block, dropping it only 1 time. Next year will be even more fun when they can walk, and we have an excuse to get more candy :)
On November 2nd, I was able to enjoy my first birthday as a mommy, it was wonderful! I received sour candy from Ryan (my favorite!) and roses from Joe and a sweet card from each of them. It was really nice to enjoy the day with my boys. Ryan and I also went to lunch with my mom, grandma, cousin Meghan and her daughter Gianna. After lunch we went to my grandmas and watched the babies "play" together. I think she may have shown Ryan how to crawl because only a few days after that, he stopped rocking back and forth and started flyin around the house!
We kind of thought that once he started crawling, it would be a slow process. Yeah, not so much. He woke up from a nap, and he knew how to crawl. By the end of the day, he was chasing Penny around the house. It was like once he realized how to do it, he just took off! Now that Ryan is on the move, I can't turn my back for even a second. He has spilled Penny's water dish, gotten fists full of her food, he grabs cords, knocks over the DVDs, its so funny. That was on day one of him crawling, so who knows what this boy will get into. We had to put up his pack n play downstairs so that I have somewhere to put him while I do dishes and stuff, otherwise I will turn around and he will be trying to get into Penny's cage... true story.
Once he learned how to crawl, he decided that napping was unnecessary. For about a week, he napped for about 45 minutes a day, TOTAL. Everytime I would put him down for a nap, I would look at the monitor 20 minutes later and he would be crawling back and forth in the crib. So proud of his new skills! Not good for me though, the cleanliness of our home sure took a toll! I think it's so funny that people, myself included, try to have their babies on a schedule... lets face it, these babies make their own rules! Thankfully, he is back to napping for me though!
He is eating a lot more solids now, so that has been fun to see him continue to try new things. As far as nursing is concerned, we have to go in his room and shut the blinds otherwise he won't eat because he just wants to look around and play. He is SO much like Joe it's not even funny! SO BUSY! He also looks like Joe when he was a baby. We held him up next to a picture of Joe when he was around Ryan's age, and the resemblance was incredible!
He is really vocal right now too. He loves the sound of his own voice (another similarity to his father ;)). He says eeeee, ooooohhhh, da ba, muum (hope that turns into mama soon!) he likes to yell, grunt and cough. So weird, but he loves to hear himself cough!
Can't wait to see what he is up to next month!