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Almost 16 weeks

Yesterday was a great birthday!! I woke up to Joe making breakfast for me, he brought me flowers at work, I went to lunch with the girls from work, and the best part was that as a birthday gift to me, our Dr. let us have an ultrasound at our appointment yesterday!
Baby was moving around, clenching his or her little fists and opening and closing it’s mouth. The legs were all crunched up, but the feet were crossed at the ankles, it was so cute!!
The heartbeat is now down to 150, which is significantly less than the 176 last time we heard it at 11 weeks!
Our Dr. knows if it’s going to be a boy or a girl, let me tell you how HARD it was to stick to our guns and just leave the Dr.’s office without knowing! SOO HARD!
About 24 or 25 more weeks to go…

1 comment:

  1. How exciting. I want to follow you on this blog now. I'm glad you are over the sickness. Also it would be hard to not know the gender after the Doc says he knows. I would be an awful doctor b/c I am a horrible secret keeper and would tell everyone regardless if the couple said they didn't want to know. haha
